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Yeah Its Just the Gloom Again

The Inox Brute was in my first Gloomhaven grouping. He was a tank and essential to the early on successes in our campaign. This build guide focuses on the Brute tank build.

Brute tank build guide structure

This article is a complete guide to a Brute tank build from level 1 to level 9. For each level look at the cards available, assess each 1 for usefulness to a tank build and then choose the deck for that level.

The guide follows this construction:

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  • Why a Brute tank build?
  • Brute tank build strategy
  • Level 1 – nine cards and decks
  • Brute perks
  • Brute items
  • Brute enhancements
  • Brute experience
  • Animate being combos
  • Brute names
  • Conclusion

This guide does non incorporate campaign spoilers or items beyond starting items.

Gloomhaven Brute class miniature and board
Gloomhaven Fauna class miniature and board

Why a Fauna tank build?

The two master build options for the Animate being are tank and damage dealer. The Inox's high strength and high health brand him a good course to play in either role.

While he tin be played effectively as either – generally the tank build works best with larger groups and the damage build better with smaller groups. In a larger grouping of four players, y'all're more likely to have squisher players dealing damage so you need to tank to support them. You're besides more than likely to accept an ally who can heal y'all.

If you don't have a healer, don't go with a tank build! With no healer in your group, the damage dealing Brute build is a meliorate choice!

Beast tank build strategy

The strategy for playing a tank in Gloomhaven is like playing a tank in any other multiplayer co-op game. Yous're there to take the heat off your allies. That is your primary focus.

That doesn't mean that you bargain no impairment. Of course, you lot hit too. You lot take less damage if there are fewer monsters to deal it!

However, when nosotros're looking at the abilities for our tank, the shiny looking damage-dealing abilities aren't necessarily the best selection. Our first choice cards should focus on helping us to pull the monster aggro and withstand hits.

Think i pace ahead

While every Gloomhaven player needs to try to predict what anybody else and the bad guys will do on their plow, it'southward even more important for you.

You lot demand to control the room. Your squad will be relying on you to go along the heat off them while they heal y'all and deal the impairment that takes care of the monsters.

Anyone who has played a tank knows that being a damage dealer is a far simpler role!

Retaliates aren't Shields

Permit's face it, monsters are going to hit you lot a lot because you are the thespian that volition be on the front lines the most.

Because you know that's what's going to happen you might too hit them dorsum!

Only don't permit Retaliate to draw you into a situation thinking that your Retaliate volition save you. It doesn't. You need shields for that.

Retaliate can be swell when you set it up with Shields which this tank build does, but be careful with the balance of taking damage to bargain impairment.

Pick monsters off one by one

The Brute can deal low melee damage to a few monsters in a grouping, or higher damage to a single target.

Because we're going for a tank build we don't have a huge amount of damage-dealing abilities. It means that we want to make the hits we do make, really count!

Our strategy in this build is high hit single target abilities, rather than weaker multi-target abilities. Single abilities don't rely as heavily on situational positioning so are easier to get the most from.

Striking one target difficult means you tin go along an centre on which monsters are depression on wellness or cause the most problems for y'all and your allies and knock them off one by one.

Positioning is cardinal

For any tank, your positioning is super of import. You want to be the i that monsters come up for when your allies really can't take whatsoever hits.

Fortunately, the Brute is 1 of the more mobile Gloomhaven characters. He has several short moves and boosted little hits to help you shift into position and deliver a cheeky point of damage. In this build, while running counter to our cadre strategy, we may occasionally accept a impairment card over a defense menu because we need the motion abilities it offers.

Brute cards

There are 29 ability cards in the Brute deck across all levels. The Brute has a hand limit of 10 cards, so you lot'll simply use almost a tertiary of the cards available in whatever given scenario.

This build guide is nigh making the most of the cards you take!

Level i Brute cards

At level 1 you accept exactly 10 cards, only similar your hand limit. You could ignore the optional level Ten cards completely and use all the level 1 cards as your starting paw for the Fauna. It'll allow you to jump in and start to get a experience for the class.

All the same, this build guide assumes that y'all're going to take both Level i and Level X cards to build your starting hand. So I expect at each card at Level one with that in heed.

I take each card in plow and think virtually how useful information technology will be to a Creature tank build.

Eye for an Center

Brute Eye for and Eye card
Fauna Center for an Middle card

Top ability

Retaliate abilities are interesting. At first glance you lot think, great! Bonus impairment this round, I'll take it! Simply at what cost?

With retaliate to deal damage you beginning must take damage. Hence the name, Center for an Eye. So are you actually any ameliorate off?

Well, it depends on how you set this ability up. If we're going to retaliate, we want to brand sure we can withstand the hits. So we need shields.

Fortunately, we tin play Shield Bash before this card to give united states of america 1 Shield for the round. If we have the persistent bonus of 1 Shield from Warding Force out from the previous turn, nosotros have 2 Shield against the next 6 hits.

Nosotros too need to brand certain we're going to go hit. So put yourself in the way. Brand certain y'all're the closest marry to the monsters and they can't resist going for you!

Aye, information technology takes some setting up, just it's not difficult to do.

Bottom ability

Goose egg wrong with a minor heal at range 1. It creates Globe which you don't demand just an ally might discover helpful.

Overall Eye for an Middle bill of fare rating

Eye for an Eye is a very useful menu, just make certain you have your shields ready before you use the peak ability.

Oh, and enjoy the 18 initiative also!

Grab and Get

Brute Grab and Go card
Animal Grab and Get bill of fare

Top power

A standard boodle power. It's at the top of a carte du jour though, which doesn't sit hugely well with me. I'd much rather see a damage-dealing power in that spot.

Bottom ability

This is our highest, not-loss movement at Level 1 that's good. Information technology'll help you go into the fray equally soon as yous can to go on the attending away from your allies.

Overall Grab and Go card rating

It doesn't practice annihilation super fancy but Take hold of and Get gives a useful boodle and a Motion 4. For me, at that place are other cards that can give us a loftier movement if nosotros really need it and at that place are amend cards for our hand.

Leaping Cleave

Brute Leaping Cleave card
Beast Leaping Cleave card

Top ability

A nice striking 3 on two monsters at once. Information technology also gives a handy one Experience.

Yep, information technology'south a situational power and you need monsters in front of you to become the most from information technology. But to be honest, it's not that uncommon to find two monsters in front of you lot. You want monsters in forepart of you lot!

You're the tank. It'due south your status quo.

Bottom ability

A useful Move 3 with Bound with is really helpful to navigate through monsters that will be crowding around you. It besides creates Wind which sets upwards the bonus on the level X bill of fare, Skewer, perfectly.

Overall Leaping Cleave carte du jour rating

A handy multi-target power on the top and a really useful Wind generating move on the bottom. This is a great bill of fare for our build.

Overwhelming Assail

Brute Overwhelming Assault card
Brute Overwhelming Assault card

Top power

This card can take out a monster pretty much on its own. You become a couple of experience for using it too. Yous pay for it by losing the card though.

Information technology would be a great card to use in the last room, but yous can only use it as a standard hit ii until that point.

Bottom ability

The Movement 3 is ok. The boosted Button two can be a great way to deal damage to monsters if there are any traps in the room.

If at that place aren't any traps, then pushing monsters away from you isn't necessarily a practiced thing. Information technology tin can move the monster out of melee range for yous or your allies! Then use information technology wisely.

Overall Overwhelming Set on carte du jour rating

Overwhelming Assault is not a bang-up card for u.s.a., despite its loftier damage value on the meridian. The 6 is great, but it'south a loss so you need to save it until you lot're in the final room. And because Push is on the lesser which is a risky action, this carte isn't flexible plenty for me.

Provoking Roar

Brute Provoking Roar card
Brute Provoking Roar card

Meridian power

A really handy ability to stop a monster from doing any damage on their side by side turn. Use it on the hardest hitting monster to maximise the use of this ability.

Lesser ability

Now that's what we're talking nearly! Any tank worth their salt wants this ability.

It'due south exactly what y'all demand to pull the aggro towards you instead of your allies.

You might think that if yous're positioning yourself effectively then you don't need this ability. But just because you've moved into a sensible position on your turn, it doesn't hateful your allies will do the same on their turns!

This card has saved allies in my group from elimination several times!

When you aren't in a state of affairs where this is needed, then you but use it as a standard Motility 2.

Overall Provoking Roar carte rating

The 10 initiative on this card is the lowest initiative card available to you in the entire Fauna deck. And you lot'll need the bottom ability for those times when your allies are in serious trouble!

Shield Bash

Brute Shield Bash card
Animal Shield Fustigate bill of fare

Top ability

Shield Bash deals a nice 4 damage and the Stun is awesome. It's a loss and so ideally, salvage it until later in the scenario if you apply it. Merely it'due south the lesser ability on this card that really helps our tank build.

Bottom ability

A Shield ane, Cocky is a perfect ability for a Animal tank. Use it before yous employ the Retaliate ability on Eye for an Eye to mitigate some of the damage you'll have before hitting back.

It'due south a shame it only lasts for a circular, but you can utilize it several times per scenario.

Overall Shield Bash card rating

The lesser ability of Shield Bash is really helpful. Information technology'due south just a Shield of one simply information technology does have ii enhancement slots and it's a non-loss.

My proposition is to use the bottom part of this card until the last room where you use the top half to terminate off the monsters before anybody is exhausted.

The initiative of fifteen is your 3rd lowest initiative menu and then information technology'southward super helpful to have in your hand for that.

Spare Dagger

Brute Spare Dagger card
Brute Spare Dagger bill of fare

Top ability

Equally the tank, you're going to be the start person into the room more often than not. When you lot first enter the room, chances are the monsters will non exist directly in front of y'all then you can't hitting them on that turn. That'due south where the Spare Dagger ranged ability comes in.

Bash the door down and and so sling a dagger into the group of monsters. That'll get their attention!

Bottom ability

This simple hit ii is understated all the same bright. Considering information technology's on the lesser of the menu rather than the top, information technology means you can striking twice on one turn if y'all already have all the monster attention don't need to motility position.

Overall Spare Dagger bill of fare rating

A useful menu for u.s.a.. It is damage focussed, just information technology has your only ranged ability at Level one, a rare damage-dealing ability in the lower slot and a pretty low initiative of 27. This volition definitely exist going into our mitt.

Sweeping Blow

Brute Sweeping blow card
Fauna Sweeping Blow carte

Top ability

At showtime glance, Sweeping Blow looks vivid. Merely when you look a piddling closer you lot realize information technology isn't as skilful as other options. While at that place are enough of opportunities to use this ability in a scenario, the damage dealt is weak.

Bottom ability

The Push on the bottom of this bill of fare looks great at beginning too. But because it targets all adjacent monsters you may find yourself pushing monsters out of range!

Push is also a volatile matter to do. Yous might button monsters into the path of the allies y'all're trying to protect.

Overall Sweeping Blow card rating

Give Sweeping Blow a sweeping glance and yous retrieve it's great. Give it a longer wait and… non so much. Not for a tank build anyway.

You have stronger damage options vying for infinite in your hand amongst your tanking abilities.


Brute Trample card
Beast Trample card

Pinnacle power

This top slot has a solid single-target ability. The Pierce really comes into its own when you lot kickoff encountering more monsters with shields. It then goes from a damage of iii, to the equivalent of 5.

Lesser ability

The bottom ability is so much fun. Y'all need but the right situation to make the most of this card simply thankfully the situation to run through a lot of monsters comes upward regularly! Especially when you're playing in a 4 role player group – at that place are a lot of bad guys around.

This ability is even better when you boost it with the +2 movement from Boots of Striding. Then y'all can motion through six monsters instead of 4.

Overall Trample carte rating

The bottom power of Trample is really fun to employ and it gives us a lot of movement. It'south well worth the loss, especially if yous boost information technology with items. The top power is frequently used, there'southward always a monster to hit hard on the front lines!

Warding Force

Brute Warding Strength card
Animate being Warding Forcefulness card

Top ability

This top ability does a solid iii damage. The Button of 2 is helpful if there are traps effectually and because it only pushes i monster instead of multiple monsters, when y'all shove one out of the manner, you'll probably nevertheless have some other monster in reach that you can hit.

Bottom ability

The persistent shield is bright and a hugely useful option for your tank Brute. It is guaranteed to protect you for 1 damage from your next 6 hits. That's like getting a boost of 6 wellness.

Yous'll get a tasty 3 feel points too. But brand sure you save this ability into room two or iii so you don't lose the card too early and go exhausted.

Overall Warding Forcefulness card rating

A solid top ability and a bottom ability that you'll use every single scenario. You desire Warding Force in your hand.

Level X Creature cards

As a reader of strategy guides, my judge is that you're going to include the level X cards in your level 1 deck! That'southward why the starting manus I recommend includes level Ten cards. Let's take a await at them.

Brute level X cards - Balanced Measure, Skewer, Wall of Doom
Brute level 10 cards – Balanced Measure, Skewer, Wall of Doom

Counterbalanced Mensurate

Peak ability

I love this ability. There is no cap on the corporeality of damage you bargain, information technology'south non-loss and you go experience for it. Of course, it'due south completely reliant on you lot as to how effective this ability proves to be.

Use Balanced Measure later a high movement ability boosted past the Boots of Striding for some epic harm. It's a good one to utilize when you kickoff run into a new monster group.

Bottom ability

Yous'll probably utilize the bottom of this card far less than the meridian. Loftier move is overnice when you demand it, but loftier damage is more satisfying (even for a tank!).

Overall Balanced Measure menu rating

A great damage-dealing card. Information technology's basically your standard height and lesser movement boosted.

Wall of Doom

Top ability

This is the kind of tanking carte du jour nosotros need more of in the Brute deck! Ordinarily with Retaliate you have to accept damage to bargain damage. Because nosotros have a shield of two on this ability, nosotros can take the adventure of taking a few hits more hands on a turn and not accept too much of a health knock.

It is a loss though, then use it when information technology counts.

Bottom ability

While we're waiting to use the meridian one-half of Wall of Doom, we tin use the bottom one-half to boost our impairment. A +1 isn't amazing, but it'south better than zilch on those turns where you don't need to move because the monsters are already where you lot want them.

Overall Wall of Doom card rating

One of the few decent tanking cards we have at level 1 with a useful impairment bonus on the bottom while we salvage the loss for later. It makes it into our hand.


Top ability

Seeing every bit yous'll be on the front lines most of the fourth dimension with monsters all effectually y'all, it'due south not difficult finding situations to use Skewer.

What's trickier is generating Air current. The merely bill of fare you take which generates Wind is Leaping Cleave, so you'll need that card in your mitt as well. You could e'er use a Wind chemical element that just happens to be in the room but e'er inquire first. Your elemental-based allies might need information technology more than than you lot!

Bottom power

At Move 6, this is the highest movement yous take at level 1. It's a shame it'due south a loss. Worth losing if you're racing for the treasure breast in the last room, though!

Overall Skewer menu rating

A pretty powerful non-loss ability on the summit. Fifty-fifty without the Air current element it'll yet bargain 6 harm to 2 bad guys and get you lot an experience point. The initiative of 35 means you lot'll probably end upwards going in the centre of the pack.

Level 1 Brute Build

While there are ii abilities on each card, we've commonly taken them for 1 key ability.

As a tanking Brute, the focus for our abilities is damage mitigation, some damage dealing, retaliates and protecting allies.

In our starting manus, we can come across that even with defensive abilities we however have 5 cards in paw that are in that location to deal damage. These cards also have useful movement abilities.

Level ane Animate being deck

Brute tank build level 1 deck
Animate being tank build level 1 deck

Damage mitigation

  • Shield Bash
  • Warding Strength


  • Eye for an Eye
  • Wall of Doom

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Harm-dealing (and Moves)

  • Balanced Measure
  • Leaping Cleave
  • Skewer
  • Spare Dagger
  • Trample

Level ii Brute cards

Brute level 2 cards Fatal Advance and Juggernaut
Brute level 2 cards – Fatal Advance, Juggernaut

Fatal Advance

Top ability

An ability that instantly removes a monster is e'er going to exist tempting. And it would be in normal circumstances… But nosotros are the tank and the ability on the bottom of Juggernaut is so much more useful to us.

Bottom ability

A squeamish high, not-loss Movement 4. We take other moves though and so we tin live without information technology.

Overall Fatal Advance carte rating

Information technology's a shame to leave this menu because it has that instant monster removable power, but we don't need the damage-dealing glory. We're the defensive hero.


Acme ability

This is very awesome. A move 2 and a hit 2 in a summit spot. Yeah, it'southward non the biggest impairment dealer, just information technology'll do just fine while nosotros're saving the lesser ability for later in a scenario.

Bottom ability

This is what I'thousand talking about! Aye please! About time nosotros had a carte du jour that means hits simply bounce straight off.

Overall Juggernaut carte rating

We demand this card in our hand. Taking no damage at all for 3 turns is awesome!

Level 2 Animate being build

What to pick up

Juggernaut, of course. Deplorable, Fatal Advance.

What to drop

1 of our impairment-dealing abilities is the obvious pick to drop because our primary focus is harm mitigation and protecting allies. Balanced Measure and Trample are uncapped and so nosotros want to proceed those because they level actually well.

That leaves Spare Dagger, Leaping Cleave and Skewer. Nosotros need the ranged striking and bonus bottom harm from Spare Dagger. The non-loss Jump on Leaping Cleave gives information technology a nudge over Skewer for me. Plus Skewer needs Air current for the bonus.

Then we drop Skewer.

Level 2 Fauna deck

Brute tank build level 2 deck
Brute tank build level two deck

Damage mitigation

  • Juggernaut
  • Shield Fustigate
  • Warding Strength


  • Eye for an Eye
  • Wall of Doom

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Dameg-dealing (and Moves)

  • Balanced Mensurate
  • Leaping Carve
  • Spare Dagger
  • Trample

Level 3 Creature cards

Brute level 3 cards - Brute Force, Hook and Chain
Brute level iii cards – Brute Strength, Hook and Chain

Animate being Force

Top ability

The damage of 2 isn't brilliant on this for a level iii card. However, the Muddle debuff gives it a decent boost and yous'll get an experience point for using information technology.

Information technology's a good power to apply early on with a monster group to do a little fleck of damage and give them a debuff before they become a chance to hitting. Only it'due south withal only 2 damage.

Bottom ability

The more shields we have, the more damage nosotros can take. What's nice about this shield is that we're non losing a motion to get the shield bonus.

Overall Brute Force bill of fare rating

A improve multi-target power than others we've seen because of the Muddle debuff. The bottom is useful for united states of america besides, we tin can move and cake in the same turn. Awesome! Nosotros'll employ these abilities oft so information technology's proficient that neither ability is a loss.

Hook and Chain

Summit ability

This is a cracking power to get monsters within range. It's also the second ranged power we've come beyond. As a tank, role of your job is to get yourself and monsters into the right positions to protect your allies.

The Pull two is a fantastic mode to grab monsters that are heading towards your allies and pull them away. Information technology'due south the Gloomhaven equivalent of the 'Become over hither!' move.

Bottom power

This bottom ability is a fun mode to get a hitting of up to 4 on monsters. Simply merely if you can motion 4 hexes in a straight line. Realistically, that's not going to happen all that often.

Overall Hook and Concatenation card rating

On first glance, Hook and Chain is a useful looking card for either the damage build or the tank build. It allows us to pull monsters towards the states to get them away from allies, or if we can't do that, then we tin can dash towards monsters and hit them when our allies are in trouble.

But do nosotros need another ranged ability when we're a melee focussed build? And how frequently can nosotros move iv hexes in a straight line?

Level 3 Brute build

What to option up

This is a tough call. Both cards can be used really effectively past a tanking Brute. Hook and Concatenation is more than effective at allowing us to control the room. But ranged abilities aren't going to be hugely common for us when we're in the fray.

Hook and Chain is not worth forgoing the Move ii Shield ane on Brute Force.

We accept Brute Forcefulness.

What to driblet

Seeing as we're focussing on harm mitigation over dealing damage and we don't need the Wind element from Leaping Carve, nosotros drop information technology. We will miss the 1 movement and Jump particularly, but nosotros can always employ Balanced Measure out later a loftier-harm ability if we really need to run somewhere.

Level 3 Brute deck

Brute level 3 cards - Brute Force, Hook and Chain
Brute tank build level 3 deck

Damage mitigation

  • Brute Strength
  • Juggernaut
  • Shield Bash
  • Warding Force


  • Centre for an Eye
  • Wall of Doom

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Impairment-dealing (and Moves)

  • Balanced Measure
  • Spare Dagger
  • Trample

Level 4 Brute cards

Brute level 4 cards - Devastating Hack, Unstoppable Charge
Animal level 4 cards – Devastating Hack, Unstoppable Charge

Devastating Hack

Pinnacle ability

A unmarried-use, single target, high-damage ability. Because it's a loss, you'd exist conveying this around with you for the whole scenario before using information technology at the end. It's non worth it.

Bottom ability

Meh. A Loot 1 isn't life irresolute. We had a Boodle 1 bachelor at level 1. I wait more from a Level 4 ability.

Overall Devastating Hack card rating

This is not a cracking card for our tank build. It is damage focused and offers no defensive abilities.

Unstoppable Accuse

Elevation ability

A solid hard-hitting single-target power with an feel point too. It deals less damage than Devastating Hack, but it's not a loss. This is only the kind of card we need to pick off an irritating monster that is causing trouble for usa.

Bottom power

Hugely useful ability! The stun is a nifty way to reduce the damage you and your allies accept from the bad guys for a turn. The Move iv volition be very welcome in our hand too because we don't accept a huge corporeality of move cards.

Overall Unstoppable Charge menu rating

A versatile, striking and motion focused card that brings a nice hard hitter and a fast damage mitigating move action. The initiative of 86 ways you tin cull to get belatedly in the circular with this 1.

Level 4 Animate being build

What to choice up

In that location is no comparison here. Unstoppable Charge is the better card for usa.

What to drop

It's time to drop Balanced Mensurate. It's a shame considering we've been relying on it for movements till this point and to deal a huge amount of damage after a additional Trample. But we have other cards that are more versatile.

Level four Animate being deck

Brute tank build level 4 deck
Brute tank build level 4 deck

Damage mitigation

  • Brute Force
  • Juggernaut
  • Shield Bash
  • Warding Forcefulness


  • Eye for an Heart
  • Wall of Doom

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Impairment-dealing (and Moves)

  • Spare Dagger
  • Bruise
  • Unstoppable Charge

Level 5 Creature cards

Brute tank build level 4 deck
Beast level 5 cars – Skirmishing Maneuver, Whirlwind

Skirmishing Maneuver

Meridian power

The pinnacle motion activeness on this carte du jour is exactly what we need! Hitting, movement, hit again! Now we tin move easily shift around to dissimilar monsters on the front line to stop them from getting to allies.

Bottom power

This is the ranged ability from Spare Dagger but on the lesser of a carte du jour instead. Yes, delight! Even if we need to employ this as a melee ability instead of a ranged, with the -1 penalty, it'll still be worth two, the same every bit the Spare Dagger lesser ability.

Overall Skirmishing Maneuver card rating

A brilliantly flexible bill of fare giving u.s.a. some harm abilities and movement.


Meridian power

This is a powerful multiple monster power which can deal 4 damage each on upwardly to half dozen monsters if you were completely surrounded. You'd become half dozen experience points likewise.

It'southward a great ability for a damage-focussed build in the right circumstances.

Lesser ability

The move iv here without a loss is awesome. The Push button 3 is ok too because you lot can simply focus on moving one monster out of the way rather than every monster virtually you.

Overall Whirlwind card rating

Two corking abilities on this card and with an initiative of 28 we can get early on in the round if we need to.

Level 5 Brute build

What to choice upward

Because of the versatility of a move action on the top of the card and a ranged power on the bottom, we pick up Skirmishing Maneuver.

What to drop

Spare Dagger. Nosotros don't need 2 ranged abilities in a close-range melee deck and Skirmishing Maneuver gives u.s. the additional striking as a bottom ability that Spare Dagger did.

Level five Brute deck

Brute tank build level 5 deck
Brute tank build level five deck

Damage mitigation

  • Brute Force
  • Juggernaut
  • Shield Bash
  • Warding Forcefulness


  • Eye for an Eye
  • Wall of Doom

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Harm-dealing (and Moves)

  • Skirmishing Maneuver
  • Bruise
  • Unstoppable Charge

Level 6 Brute cards

Brute level 6 cards - Immovable Phalanx, Quietus
Creature level 6 cards – Immovable Phalanx, Quietus

Immovable Phalanx

Pinnacle ability

This is a dandy power for a tank – an striking iv with a shield. Perfect! Hit the bad guy and then put your shield up.

Bottom ability

Seeing every bit nosotros are a bit depression on movement abilities nosotros may not desire to utilize this. It gives united states the interesting option of doing a bonus hitting on every turn that we don't need to move though.

Information technology's persistent as well, and so afterwards you've played it you become this pick for the rest of the scenario. Just don't play it likewise before long though because information technology's a loss. It can be handy against bosses in the last room when you just want to stand up in that location and get their hitting points downwardly as quickly as you can.

Overall Immovable Phalanx card rating

The top ability is really corking for us and the 17 initiative means we have a go early option. I similar the versatility provided by the bottom power although nosotros'll only use it in the final room when nosotros don't need to move much anymore.


Top ability

An instant-eliminate, not-loss power is incredible. It does have the condition that the monster must be stunned, though. Right now, we have 2 abilities that inflict Stun and they are both losses.

So to prepare this up you'd demand to lose another carte in process if you didn't draw a Stun card from your enhanced modifier deck. It merely applies to normal monsters also. Possibly the instant-eliminate ability isn't so astonishing later on all…

Bottom ability

This is an upgraded version of the lower half of Wall of Doom in that we accept a Motility 3 too as well as the +i damage. It'southward fine and the harm bonus is prissy only our build focus isn't harm.

Overall Quietus card rating

The instant monster elimination acme ability takes some setting upward by which fourth dimension your allies may accept taken intendance of the monster anyway. The bottom power is pretty good merely for our build information technology doesn't compare to Immovable Phalanx.

Level 6 Brute build

What to option up

Immovable Phalanx fits perfectly with a tank build Brute and it has an initiative of 17.

What to drop

It's getting tricky choosing what to driblet now. Nosotros want to go on our shields wherever possible because they are fundamental to our build and they stack besides…

We get rid of Eye for an Heart at this stage because we need the movements on our damage-dealing cards more.

Level half-dozen Creature deck

Brute tank build level 6 deck
Brute tank build level vi deck

Impairment mitigation

  • Brute Force
  • Juggernaut
  • Shield Fustigate
  • Warding Strength
  • Immovable Phalanx


  • Wall of Doom

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Damage-dealing (and Moves)

  • Skirmishing Maneuver
  • Trample
  • Unstoppable Charge

Level vii Brute cards

Brute level 7 cards - Crippling Offensive, Defensive Tactics
Creature level 7 cards – Crippling Offensive, Defensive Tactics

Crippling Offensive

Top power

Another single-employ loftier-damage ability. That experience gain is dainty merely information technology's a one-hit wonder. The Wound and Stun debuffs would be great for your political party though.

Because we left Devastating Hack's hit of 8 out of our mitt at Level 4, practise y'all recall Crippling Offensive's hit of half-dozen volition make information technology in? No, me neither.

Bottom power

I actually like this Move ability. The Immobilize and Push combo is awesome for just getting a monster out of the style for ane turn while you concentrate on other monsters.

Overall Crippling Offensive card rating

A super helpful bottom ability, a unmarried utilise high-damage superlative. This card is not amazing for what nosotros're looking for, especially because the bottom ability on Defensive Tactics is perfect for u.s.a.!

Defensive Tactics

Top ability

It'south nice to have some other ranged ability in our mitt that can stop two bad guys in their tracks. But to exist honest, I only have eyes for the bottom ability on this card.

Bottom ability

Yes, yes and yeah! We are a tank. Nosotros need more shields and retaliates – always. Give thanks you very much for this persistent bonus!

Overall Defensive Tactics menu rating

The top ability is fine and we'll discover a reason to apply it early in a room before we go close to monsters. However, it's the bottom of this menu that we really want! We'll want to get information technology out early on in the scenario and keep it in that location.

Level 7 Brute build

What to pick up

Defensive Tactics, easy.

What to drop

Seeing as we'll play Defensive Tactics every single scenario from now on, we need to get rid of some other loss activity really.

We get rid of Wall of Doom. It'due south much ameliorate value for a loss bill of fare to keep Warding Strength which gives Shield of ane over 6 turns rather than Shield of 2 over 1 turn.

Level 7 Fauna deck

Brute level 7 cards - Crippling Offensive, Defensive Tactics
Brute tank build level 7 deck

Damage mitigation

  • Brute Force
  • Juggernaut
  • Shield Bash
  • Defensive Tactics
  • Warding Forcefulness
  • Immovable Phalanx

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Damage-dealing (and Moves)

  • Skirmishing Maneuver
  • Bruise
  • Unstoppable Charge

Level 8 Beast cards

Brute level 7 cards - Crippling Offensive, Defensive Tactics
Brute level 8 cards – Frenzied Onslaught, Selfish Retribution

Frenzied Onslaught

Pinnacle ability

This is a nice little shuffle around and hit things card. The damage of 2 is pretty weak just iv movement is 4 movement, and it's on the tiptop likewise so it gives u.s.a. more movement options for reacting to situations.

Bottom power

Smashing ability for a impairment-dealing Brute build. But we only accept three abilities which tin deal these condition effects and we'll be using other abilities most of the time, so nosotros'll rarely set this one upward.

Overall Frenzied Onslaught bill of fare rating

A adept card if you're a damage dealing Creature. I like the motion, hit, move, hit pinnacle ability a lot.

Selfish Retribution

Height ability

For when you're at the end of a scenario and you really, actually desire all the loot! Otherwise, yous'll never use this Motility one, Loot 2ability. Not when the lesser action is so much better.

Bottom ability

This is crawly. Y'all can move for 3 which we really desire and then you get to Retaliate for two. You become an experience point and it'south non a loss. Great ability for our tank.

If you have Defensive Tactics in play, you can play this power and then the height of Immovable Phalanx for iv damage with a Shield of 2 and a Retaliate of iii. That will be some sweet, sweet impairment to all the bad guys around you.

Overall Selfish Retribution carte du jour rating

The low initiative of 12 makes Selfish Retribution the second fastest menu in the Brute deck. It has an awesome lower ability and a peak ability you'll rarely use!

Level 8 Animate being build

What to selection up

Selfish Retribution, easily down.

What to drop

Considering we take just picked up a solid move 3 with a nice Retaliate nosotros can beget to remove a movement action elsewhere.

Looking at our level one cards, we still have Trample, which is damage rather than defensive focussed and it'due south a loss. We have Provoking Roar which we demand to salvage allies, Shield Fustigate which has a overnice shield bonus, and Warding Strength which gives united states Shield i over 6 turns.

Tough phone call. As much every bit I love Bruise, it has to go. The level 2 damage is looking weak now and it's the only one of the remaining level 1 cards that doesn't contribute to the tank build.

Level 8 Brute deck

Brute tank build level 8 deck
Brute tank build level 8 deck

Damage mitigation

  • Beast Force
  • Juggernaut
  • Shield Bash
  • Defensive Tactics
  • Immovable Phalanx
  • Warding Forcefulness


  • Selfish Retribution

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Impairment-dealing (and Moves)

  • Skirmishing Maneuver
  • Unstoppable Accuse

Level nine Brute cards

Brute tank build level 9 cards, Face Your End and King of the Hill
Brute level nine cards – Face Your End, King of the Loma

Face Your End

Acme ability

What a bright ability to manipulate the room with. Seeing every bit we have Retaliate as a key part of our build, nosotros can use Face Your Terminate to pull monsters towards us and then striking them with the Retaliate two on the lower one-half of Selfish Retribution. Y'all can do this several times per scenario, because neither abilities are losses.

If you lot've got Defensive Tactics in play too, that's a Retaliate 3 against every monster!

Bottom ability

When you accomplish the last room, this power can help you to knock off a monster that'due south causing the almost trouble for your grouping – normal or elite.

Overall Face Your End card rating

The top ability is awesome for helping us get the nearly from all our Retaliates. The initiative of this carte du jour isn't great, but the initiative of its most common partner – Selfish Retribution is 12 so chances are we will go showtime or second in the round whenever nosotros use it.

King of the Loma

Acme ability

For our tank build this top ability isn't bully. We don't want to push all the monsters abroad from us and potentially into the paths of our allies. It's unmarried-use too, it's but not worth conveying around until nosotros need to use it.

Bottom ability

This heal for 5 would actually be pretty helpful. Still, as a tank, if someone else hasn't been healing us all the way to Level 9, we'd have switched to a impairment build long agone!

Overall Male monarch of the Hill card rating

For our tank, King of the Loma isn't hugely helpful.

Level 9 Brute build

What to pick upward

Face Your End is such a perfect partner for our Retaliates that nosotros need to pick it upward.

What to driblet

This final conclusion is really tough. Can we afford to swap out 1 of our Shields at this point? Shield Bash is a non-loss ability and gives usa flexibility on when nosotros play it. Warding Strength gives u.s. 1 shield over 6 turns.

Or, practise we want to remove a impairment ability in favour of defence? If so, we'd become rid of Unstoppable Charge.

Even though nosotros aren't damaged focussed, I call back Unstoppable Accuse is just too useful to get rid of. You can use information technology regularly to end off a troublesome monster because of its 5 damage.

I like the flexibility nosotros get from Shield Bash to utilise the extra Shield when we need it the most and information technology'south a non-loss too…

Nosotros get rid of Warding Strength. It'due south not similar nosotros need the experience points from it anymore! And if you use Shield Bash on a turn where you're going to become hit 6 times, information technology'll lucifer the usefulness of Warding Strength in but ane turn.

Level 9 Brute deck

Brute tank build level 9 deck
Brute tank build level 9 deck

So this our final build.

We've got enough Shields to continue united states taking hits for a decent corporeality of time, retaliates to bargain damage on the monster's turn, and we tin deal damage too.

In terms of movement, remember to utilize the curt peak moves on Skirmishing Maneuver and Juggernaut. With a curt move of two on the elevation and some other two on a bottom, you lot tin can move 4 hexes on a plow more often than you lot might think.

Considering we've focussed on playing a defensive tank, we're not going to win any awards for the most harm only that doesn't hateful nosotros don't bargain whatsoever damage at all.

Impairment mitigation

  • Animal Forcefulness
  • Juggernaut
  • Shield Fustigate
  • Defensive Tactics
  • Immovable Phalanx


  • Selfish Retribution

Protecting others

  • Provoking Roar

Damage-dealing (and Moves)

  • Skirmishing Maneuver
  • Unstoppable Charge
  • Face Your Stop

Brute perks

Brute Perks Gloomhaven
Brute Perks sheet

Standing with the defensive theme, the perks we accept back up tanking first, and damage second. Because armour is super important for us, the ignore negative items effect is the first matter nosotros take. Followed by the shield.

And so we improve our modifiers to go out as many negatives as nosotros tin. Our harm values are quite low and if we go on cartoon negative modifiers it volition drive us crazy and be really frustrating! Even though nosotros're protecting everyone, we want to feel like we're having an bear on likewise.

After that, nosotros add in the debuff cards for Disarm, Muddle and Stun. Then finally we add in the additional harm cards.

  1. Ignore negative detail effects and add 1 +1 card
  2. Add together one +1 Shield 1, Self menu
  3. Remove two -i cards
  4. Replace one -one with one +1 card
  5. Add ane Stun card
  6. Add 1 Stun card
  7. Add ane Disarm and 1 Muddle carte
  8. Add one Add Target card
  9. Add together ane Add Target card
  10. Add together ane +three carte
  11. Add 2 +1 cards
  12. Add together two +ane cards
  13. Add together 2 Pierce 3 cards

Of the 15 potential perks, we only want to have 13 of them. We don't want to take the two Push perks.

Push is too unpredictable and can push monsters out of our range and towards our allies.

Brute items

Brute tank starting item cards
Brute tank starting item cards

Looking just at the starting items to non give away whatsoever college level item spoilers, here are the items we want from the store.

Iron Helmet

It's surprising how many times the x2 modifier is drawn. With the helmet, you can just shrug information technology off!

Hide Armor

Hide Armor is dandy for the two additional Shields you can utilize. It does add together two -ane cards to your modifier deck though, so get the 'Ignore Negative Items' effects perk every bit presently as y'all can.

Heater Shield

Another shield is ever going to exist helpful for us.

Boots of Striding

Our move isn't amazing, so nosotros need some help with it. These boots are useful not just for the +2 move, but also equally a heave for Bruise and Balanced Mensurate.

Poison Dagger

This one-handed dagger will go nicely with your shield, so you lot may as well grab ane. Poison will assistance y'all and you party to exercise more than damage over time.

Modest Stamina Potion

If you get exhausted too shortly, it could marker the start of the cease for your allies equally monsters focus on the squishier players. Use your stamina potion every scenario to become some other turn.

Sometimes, yous will play the perfect combo for your situation and you just want to do it again. That'south where your Stamina Potion comes in. Use it in those situations to get your cards back and practice it once again.

Pocket-sized Healing Potion

Even the all-time healers in the world will struggle to bargain with a cord of unexpectedly loftier damage dealt to you. Tuck a healing potion in your back pocket for emergencies.

Brute enhancements

Like any Gloomhaven class, information technology makes sense to spend your upgrades on the cards that are going to be around for a long fourth dimension to go the best return on your investment. You also want to use them on discard cards, rather than loss cards to get the benefit several times per scenario.

Add Shields to Shield Fustigate

It'south worth adding an extra Shield enhancement to Shield Bash. It'll be with you lot right upward to level nine so you'll experience the benefit, especially equally the monsters get tougher.

You tin upgrade Shield Fustigate twice to exist a shield of 3. Information technology'll price you 100 gold for the start Shield and 175g for the second Shield upgrade.

Add together Curse to Provoking Roar

Provoking Roar is in our manus for the bottom ability so that we tin make monsters to become for us instead of our allies. But you're not going to need that ability all the time. So it makes sense to upgrade the acme ability then that y'all can brand the about of your menu.

I'd advise calculation Curse. Why Curse and not increase the harm by +i? Well, at higher levels +one damage isn't going to make much difference. Merely adding a Expletive card to the monster modifier deck equals zippo damage at whatever level you are.

Plus, a zero harm hitting from a monster is in-keeping with our damage mitigation build strategy.

Add Shield to Fauna Forcefulness

The Movement 2, Shield 1 bottom ability on Fauna Forcefulness is regularly used from when y'all get it at Level 3 and you keep it all the way to level nine. You have an upgrade slot on the Shield so it makes sense to add another Shield to that.

Animate being feel

The Brute gains experience quickly considering he has plenty of non-loss cards with experience points on them. In our starting group, the Brute levelled up faster than whatever other characters.

Looking at the level ane and level ii cards alone, just by using the bottom ability on Juggernaut and Warding Strength in a scenario you'll get 6 feel. Counterbalanced Measure, Spare Dagger will get y'all some other 2 points.

Middle for an Eye volition give you ane signal for each person you Retaliate against on that plow and y'all can use it several times per scenario. Say you retaliate against ii monsters per utilize, y'all use information technology 3 times in a scenario that's another 6.

With these cards solitary nosotros'll collect about 14 Experience points in a scenario.

Fauna combos

The combos y'all use as the Animate being will vary as you level. Looking just at the Level i and Level X cards, these are some of my favourite combos.

Leaping Carve (lesser) followed by Skewer (top)

The Motility 3, Leap on Leaping Cleave generates Wind and also gives you the movement y'all need to get into the perfect position for Skewer. Use a low initiative bill of fare to go early on your next plow earlier everyone moves effectually and consume Wind for a damage heave. Enjoy the iv damage with Pierce every bit you kebab those monsters!

Bruise (bottom) followed past Balanced Measure (meridian)

This is my favourite starting combo.

Maximize your Trample movement with the Boost of Striding for +two movement, giving you half-dozen movement. Hit all the monsters you move through for ii from Trample and then stop off with a Balanced Measure for vi damage on one unlucky bad guy.

Warding Forcefulness (bottom) followed by Eye for an Eye (summit)

This philharmonic isn't as glamorous as the damage-dealing combos, simply it is pretty cool for a tank. Play Warding Strength to become the Shield of 1 confronting the next six hits on yous, then put a Retaliate on yourself with the top of Middle for an Eye.

It's perfect for those turns when you're surrounded by monsters and you know they are all going to go for yous on their turn.

Brute names

If you're building your Creature tank, they demand a name. Here are a few ideas I had.

  • Todric Bane
  • Cleveland Wall
  • Blueish Metallic
  • Steel Guard
  • Gord Blunt
  • Gallant Ward
  • Ruddy North
  • Retri Roar
  • Tough Cookie
  • Bloc Political party
  • Rock Steady

Conclusion – Brute tank build

The Brute tank build is a actually, really solid choice if your party has a lot of squishy glass cannons and a healer. The healer is very important! They are your new all-time friend.

The tank is a very selfless part and then if you're the type of player who loves to deal huge amounts of damage and then you lot may be frustrated by the mostly low damage values. Only if you go satisfaction from giving your allies infinite to exercise what they practice best and playing the gallant hero then y'all'll love information technology.

If you relish Gloomhaven as much every bit I exercise, information technology'south natural to want to upgrade it to amend your gaming experience. I peculiarly like these cards sleeves and this organizer insert on Amazon, and this incredible 3D 108 piece custom Gloomhaven scenery set on Etsy! Seriously, get check it out!

For more upgrade ideas, check out my 15 Crawly Gloomhaven Accessories & Upgrades article.

I've created build guides for all the Gloomhaven starting characters. If yous enjoyed this Brute guide, bank check them out – ranged build guide for the Cragheart, Tinkerer crowd control build guide, Mindthief impairment and stun guide, Spellweaver AoE guide and a Scoundrel single target toxicant build guide.

I've created guides for the locked classes! A Triforce class guide, a Two Minis guide, an Eclipse / Moon guide, a Sun guide, a Music Annotation guide, a Three Spears guide, a Concentric Circles guide, an Aroused Face guide, a Cthulhu guide, a Saw guide, and a Lightning Commodities guide.

More Gloomhaven manufactures

  • fifteen Awesome Gloomhaven Accessories and Upgrades
  • Gloomhaven Classes – Starting Characters Overview and Rank
  • Gloomhaven Unlockable Classes Revealed (No campaign spoilers)
  • Cragheart Guide – Ranged Build
  • Mindthief Guide – Stunning Damage Build
  • Scoundrel Guide – Single Target Poison Build
  • Spellweaver Guide – Expanse of Effect Build
  • Tinkerer Guide – Crowd Control Build
  • Locked Form – Angry Confront Guide
  • Locked Form – Concentric Circles Guide
  • Locked Class – Cthulhu Guide
  • Locked Class – Eclipse / Moon Guide
  • Locked Form – Lightning Bolt Guide
  • Locked Class – Music Note Guide
  • Locked Course – Saw Guide
  • Locked Form – Sun Guide
  • Locked Form – Iii Spears Guide
  • Locked Class – Triforce Guide
  • Locked Class – 2 Minis Guide
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